Friday, February 12, 2010

Reserve kids more likely to be killed by dogs, expert says

Reserve kids more likely to be killed by dogs, expert says

1 comment:

Reserve Dog Liberation Association said...

Reserve Dog Liberation says:
After reading this article, it is quite clear that EDUCATION is absolutely paramount. This is what Reserve Dog Liberation is about. As we have repeatedly said: dogs that are starving and abused are more likely to be aggressive. Dogs that are not neutered are more likely to be aggressive. It may not be the 'cultural' thing to do to neuter them but we ask you: is killing the dogs cultural? Is that what the Creator would do? Educate First Nations people on dog body language! Teach First Nations people that dogs need food daily, just as people do. They need shelter when it's cold. They need kindness. Dogs that receive such care are much less likely, if at all, to hurt or kill anyone. Let's stop quibbling over who pays for what! The responsible, adult thing to do is care for the animals that you, First Nations, brought onto the Reserves. The dogs did not arrive there by magic. It is time to have federal legislation pass a law that will force First Nations to either care for their dogs in a humane way or not have dogs at all. How important are First Nations children to people who live on First Nations? What are your priorities? Think about it.